The Public 8 Ball
Note: This is not some cheesy imitation 8 ball written in a
web script. This is a real 8 ball being
shaken and read just for you. I mean, you
wouldn't use a voice-mail psychic, right? Why would you use a CGI 8
ball? It just doesn't make sense. The 8 ball currently on duty is a
recent Mattel manufactured model number 3048AA, housed in a custom
built Lego Mindstorms shaking cradle, triggered and watched by a Linux
computer. 50,000 years of technological
advancement has culminated in a system to bring you
mysticism on demand. Anywhere in the world, 24x7, Y2K certified.
You should be aware that from time to time the Public 8 Ball will be
restricted to private viewing. I highly recommend that you
acquire your own 8 ball to ensure timely availability,
or maybe a tiny key chain version note: the keychain does not have the proper responses, it may just be a toy..
The 8ball is offline until November of 2010

The Public 8 Ball would not have been be possible without:
- Viewmaster - who I believe created the 8 ball.
- Tyco Toys - who now makes the 8 ball (and issues
nasty letters
to some of its fans). No, wait, Mattel
bought Tyco in November 1996.
Obviously control of the 8 ball production is key to corporate success.
Or maybe Barbie had a lot of questions to ask as she turned 40.
- Lego - who makes the Mindstorms
robotics pieces for the shaker.
- nqc
- so those of us without Microsoft Windows can use Mindstorms. Thanks
to Dave Baum.
- Debian linux
- which makes the computer run. A non-enumerable legion.
- linux bttv
driver - which gets the camera image. Thanks to Ralph Metzler and
Marcus Metzler.
- fsg - which provides the hardware
and network connections.
There are a bunch of lame computer simulations of 8 balls on the web. I've
listed some here for you.
Its a big web and the 8 ball graces many of the best pages, such as
The Public 8 Ball was conceived and assembled by Jim Studt, he can be reached at